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Install Multiple Version of a Java App
You can install Multiple version of any Java Application on your s60 3rd Edition phone.

Follow these steps:
1. Open the .jar file with Decompressor like WinRar.
2. Open the Folder META-INF
3. Copy the MANIFEST.MF file to PC
4. With a text editor like Notepad, modify the MIDLET NAME/DESCRIPTION;
for example, if the orginal name is 'Opera Mini'
change the name to 'Opera Mini 1'
(You can optionally change other optins too like vendor or data-size.)
5. Save the file.
6. Rename the original MANIFEST.MF file to MANIFEST1.MF (FOR BACKUP)
7. Put back the MODIFIED MANIFEST.MF to the folder META-INF

That's it !
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