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How to Activate BSNL 3G on Mobile

You own a BSNL 3G SIM? Here are few simple steps following which you can set BSNL 3G on your 3G enabled mobile.
How to Set BSNL 3G on Mobile
1. Make sure your mobile phone is set to work on 3G network mode settings. If you see “3G” or appears symbol written somewhere on your phone screen if it is connected to 3G network.
2. Go to Connection settings, create new connection profile and now you are only required to specify ACCESS POINT NAME (APN) and you are done.
3. The APN for BSNL 3G settings is
Choose the above according to your circle.
4. After this now you can use BSNL 3G on Mobile phone. You can also set BSNL 3G internet setting free on your mobile phone
For 3G settings :
Send “Mobile Brand and Model” TO 58355 ( toll free no.)
- Example :- NOKIA E63 TO 58355


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